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Meet the Governors

Governors At Miriam Lord


As they hold an important public office, and in the interests of transparency, all governing bodies now have to publish information about their governors, and their governing body arrangements on their website.  By clicking the links in our 'Governors' section of the website you will find information on the current governors (and former governors who held office during the past year): their name; who they represent or were appointed by; their term of office; committees they serve on and any positions of responsibility they hold; any relevant business interests; whether they are also a governor elsewhere; relationships  (if any) with school staff; and their attendance record over the past year for both governing body and committees (figures indicate meetings attended out of a possible total). There are currently vacancies for two co-opted governor positions .

Parent Governors (all are elected by the parent body)


Mrs Rabia Mulla

Term Of Office: 06.11.23 - 05.11.27

Relevant Business Interests: Works for the LA in social services

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Mrs Uzma Kauser (Vice Chair of Governors)

Term Of Office: 08.10.21 - 07.10.25

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Staff Governors (elected by staff, except the Headteacher who serves as a governor ex officio)


Mr Bryan P. Harrison

Term Of Office: N/A

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments Governed: Chair of Governors - St Paul's CE Primary School

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: Spouse is a member of staff at Miriam Lord


Mrs Joanna Sherras

Term Of Office: 18.03.24 - 17.03.28

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Co-Opted Governors (appointed by the governing body)


Mr Akhtar Malik (Chair of Governors)

Term Of Office: 09.10.20 - 08.10.24

Relevant Business Interests: Bradford Youth Development Partnership, Age UK Bradford

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Ms Joanna Allen

Term Of Office: 01.09.23 - 31.08.27

Relevant Business Interests: GHMCC LTD, GHMCC, Manningham Project Ltd, Parish of GHM

Other Educational Establishments Governed: GHMCC LTD, GHMCC, Manningham Project Ltd, Parish of GHM

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Mrs Stefanie Bedford

Term Of Office: 17.11.23 - 16.11.27

Relevant Business Interests: Scope Security Ltd

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationships With Members Of School Staff: None


Associate Members


Mr Steven Young

Term Of Office: N/A

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Other Governors Who Served During The Past Year


Mrs Najma Akram

Term Of Office: 31.01.20 - 30.01.24

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Dr Ruby Bhatti OBE FRSA, AFHEA, NLG (Chair of Governors)

Term Of Office: 90.09.19 - 08.09.23

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments Governed: Dixons Marchbank Primary, Dixons Manningham Primary, BDAT, Rainbow Primary School, Clayton CE Primary School, The Girlington Centre Limited.

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Mrs Sarah Jagger

Term Of Office: 13.12.19 - 12.12.23

Relevant Business Interests: None

Other Educational Establishments Governed: None

Relationship With Members Of School Staff: None


Declarations are up to date as of July 2024.

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