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Teacher Library


How great does our new Teacher Library look? And what a great resource for all staff to use so that they are sharing and talking about books with pupils.  Thank you to Mrs Saunders for her hard work and passion in putting this together.  We can't wait to get started.


Young Voices


We made our first visit to Young Voices this year at Sheffield Arena and had an amazing time.  Members of the choir had learned lots of different songs and joined in singing them with 4500 other children, as well as hundreds of parents, in what was a magical evening.

The Live Show

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Revolting Children

Still image for this video


Doodling Away


We loved seeing this in our Year Five/Six classrooms last week. Pupils were doodling while listening to their class book and you can see from the photos how productive they were!  We can't wait to see if this works in other year groups and pupils were so absorbed.


Books, books and more books!


It's wonderful to see so many different pupils visiting Mr Harrison's office during the day to borrow and talk about books. This is completely unprompted and is happening more and more throughout the day.   Keep it up, and remember, great readers make great learners.


Tatty Bumpkin Yoga


We know important it is to get our pupils moving to support their physical development.  That's why we are introducing yoga sessions into the EYFS curriculum, led on by our good friends at Tatty Bumpkin.  It goes without saying, our Nursery pupils are loving it already!

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