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Uniform Information

School Uniform


All uniform below is compulsory, though parents may choose where options are shown. There is no specific requirement to wear different uniform at different times of the year. All items in bold are branded items and can be purchased locally from school uniform suppliers. All other items are generic and available from other clothing suppliers including supermarkets. Local second-hand shops often stock donated school uniform, and we keep a small selection in school which can be made available to families who require support. 


Royal blue sweatshirt with school logo, V-necks for Years 5+6Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo, V-necks for Years 5+6
White polo shirt; white shirt with collar for Years 5+6White blouse / white shirt collar
Grey or black trousers / shorts Grey skirt / pinafore, dress or trousers
Black shoesBlack shoes (not sandals or open toed shoes)
School tie for Years 5 and 6School tie for Years 5 and 6

Royal blue or grey shalwar kameez; plain headscarf


Boys PEGirls PE   
Royal blue t-shirtRoyal blue t-shirt or leotard  
Black shortsBlack shorts or tights
Black pumpsBlack pumps
Black tracksuit bottoms (KS2)Black tracksuit bottoms (KS2)       


Patterned or 'extreme' hairstyles will not be tolerated at Miriam Lord Primary School.  Any child who breaks this rule may be sent home until the haircut is in line with school policy and expectations.

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