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Curriculum - Overview

Statement Of Intent


At Miriam Lord we strive to ‘Build Powerful Learners’.  Our vision statement is that ‘We will create an environment where every single child embraces learning and achieves the highest outcomes.  We want to inspire pupils to enjoy learning, feel successful in whatever they do and have the skills and character needed to face any challenge and make a positive contribution to society.’ 


Our curriculum is ambitious and driven by the need to prepare pupils to become successful life-long learners.  Central to this is our drive to instill a love of reading, books and literature into all pupils so that they are able to access the opportunities life will present them with.  We want to develop learners who are inquisitive, not afraid to ask questions and who challenge knowledge. 


Through our curriculum we aim to develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that are the building blocks for later life; an important aspect of this is identifying pupils’ talents and seizing opportunities to develop these further.  We know the importance of language and want to develop pupils who have the vocabulary and social skills to interact effectively.



Curriculum Overview


Our curriculum is organised around texts and topic themes. If you would like any more information on our curriculum then please contact Steven Young (Deputy Headteacher) or click on the curriculum plans page. As the curriculum develops, new content is added each half term. Whilst under a period of review, due to a move to mixed-age planning, some of the units may not be available. 



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1


Summer 2



(two year cycle)


Ruby’s Worry


Hello Friend!


Bedtime for Monsters


Owl Babies

Handa’s Surprise


We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Lola Gets a Cat


Our Very Own Dog

The Gigantic Turnip


The Very Hungry Caterpillar

What the Ladybird Heard


Errol’s Garden



So Much and  Stanley Stick


I Will Never, Ever Eat a Tomato

Blue Penguin

Surprising Sharks

Yucky Worms!

Astro Girl




ToysHot and ColdLondonMaterialsWhat's in our Local Area?What Grows in our Garden?




SuperheroesThe Gunpowder PlotExplorersTravel the WorldBugsGrowing




Ancient BritainLightAncient EgyptForcesA River's Journey - The River AirePlants


FoodAncient GreeceElectricityRoman BritainLiving Things and HabitatsHow is the Seaside different from Bradford?

Y5/6 - Odds

EvolutionViking BritainExtreme EuropeMaking Things GoThe Industrial RevolutionSaltaire


Y5/6 - Evens


SpaceThe Islamic Golden AgeHealthy LivingA River's Journey - The AmazonSurvival and SustainabilityWorld War 2


In mixed age year groups, the curriculum follows a two year odds / evens cycle. 

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