We constantly review our Maths offer at Miriam Lord to ensure it is ambitious and meets the needs of all learners in the school, as well as providing them with the skills they will need in the future. Pupils will develop curiosity and an understanding of the importance and value of mathematics in all aspects of life.
The aim of Maths at Miriam Lord is:
Maths in KS1 and KS2
As a school, we use White Rose schemes of learning. This is tailored to the learning needs of our pupils. Teachers use the White Rose resources alongside other resources to help cater for the needs of our pupils to ensure they have the exposure to a variety of fluency and reasoning and problem solving activities. Teachers follow small steps through the mastery curriculum approach to teaching. Lessons include opportunities for fluency as well as reasoning and problems solving (including strategies such as APE and manipulatives where appropriate - CPA). We are developing as a school to ensure all staff teach to the ‘mastery approach’ in Maths linked with the NCETM which is underpinned by the 5 big ideas. This aims for pupils is to have a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject before moving on. All students should have solid foundations in key mathematical principles which they can apply flexibly in different situations. The mastery approach involves whole-class teaching, collaborative learning, and a focus on problem solving to promote a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts for all children.
Typical lesson structure (5 thinks lesson/MARGE):
Fluency is built into a number of mathematics sessions. (See separate fluency document) This structure is a guide and can be fluid and interchangeable depending on the lesson.
Maths in EYFS
In EYFS, Maths is planned based on White Rose which ensures consistency across school. Nursery adapt the ‘Master the Curriculum’ scheme of work. EYFS teach through a mixture of whole class mastery approach lesson (including skills and vocabulary) then pupils have opportunity to apply their learning within provision. Provision is set up to enhance Maths vocabulary. Daily ‘Monics’ supports fluency and number facts.
Learning Environment
Throughout school, Maths displays are working walls. Non-negotiables include; ‘What we are learning’, ‘Vocabulary’ and modelled work to support learning through Maths journey. Classes are expected to have maths resources cupboard with opportunities for table top/3D representations to support learning. This could include challenges for greater depth pupils. EYFS follow a similar structure with working wall including maths vocabulary as well as concrete and pictorial. All areas of provision, including a working wall (Nursery celebration with pictures of learning journey).
Quality first teaching is priority. However, same day interventions take place across school which is based on the need of individual pupils. Staff annotate their ‘Weekly Review Sheet’ to address any pupil learning need. This information is used to inform planning as well as same day interventions. Train the Tutor (programme through White Rose) has begun this year 2023-24. This provides pupils with 15 hours (2 x 45min weekly) of Maths learning support and is focussed around Place Value. Learn by Questions (SATs Springboard) has begun to support Year 6 pupils.
Subject Knowledge
We value the importance of staff professional development. Over the last couple of years, staff across school have the opportunity to addend extra CPD training with a Maths consultant (Sharon Day). This supports staff subject knowledge in Maths as well as give them the chance to network with staff from across Bradford schools within their current year group. Further training has been available through West Yorkshire Maths Hub. Such examples of this include ‘EYFS’ and ‘Mixed Age’ bespoke workgroups. These provide staff with expert subject knowledge and the chance to research and contribute to a workgroup. Support staff also receive training with Maths lead, with a number having additional training through White Rose ‘Train the Tutor’ programme.