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School Meals

Meals are provided by Facilities Management are made to cater for pupils' religious dietary needs.


Entitlement to free school meals is determined according to personal and family circumstances and parents receiving family credit and income support are entitled to free school meals.  It is extremely important that any family who is entitled to take up free school meals does so, school will support all families in filling any necessary forms and completing applications.  Please contact Mrs Kauser for details on how to apply.  School meals will be £2.30 each per day (£11.50).


Money should be sent on a Monday morning for the following week.  The money should be sent in a clearly marked envelope (child's name, class and amount).


Children may bring a packed lunch to school.  We ask that parents do not include sweets or chocolate in packed lunches, this is because we want your children to approach their learning with a healthy mind.  When providing drinks please only include still drinks in unbreakable containers.  Fizzy drinks are not permitted, as they can cause difficulties in the dining hall; children are allowed to bring fruit squash.


Healthy Snacks

The school has a healthy snack shop which operates at break times.  Children should bring no more that £1.

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