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Nursery Graduation


It's always a favourite time of the year as we celebrate our youngest pupils from Nursery.  We were treated to a rendition of 'I'm A Little Teapot' and 'Wind The Bobbin Up' before taking photos and celebrating our achievements with families.  Another fabulous event!


Year Six Graduation and Prom


As another year draws to a close, we say goodbye to a fabulous group of Year Six pupils. They have a been a wonderful group and we will miss each and every one of them! What better way to celebrate than a graduation and school prom where we look back on a wealth of happy memories.  We can't wait to hear more from them in the the future and the successes they will no doubt have at secondary school.


Summer Fair


We had an amazing day yesterday for our Summer Fair, and we can't than you all enough for joining us and taking part. I think the photographs tell the story of how much fun we had and I will let you all know soon how much money we raised.  Thank you all again.


Year Six Trip - Gulliver's Kingdom


We could not be prouder of our Year Six pupils this year.  They have been an amazing group of pupils and thoroughly deserved their reward trip to Gulliver's Kingdom this year.  And what a day we had!  The sun was shining, the queues were small and a great time was had by all.


Sports Day


Nothing really beats a Sports Day in the sunshine, and last Friday we were really lucky to get the weather!  It was another fabulous event on The Den and we wanted to thank all of our parents and family members who joined us.  As always, we were blown away by the competitive spirit of our pupils who clearly wanted to win for their house, but competed fairly and sensibly.  Well done everyone!


Iftar Event


We feel absolutely blessed to be joined by so many of our families and the community for our Iftar event, and even luckier to be joined by Ismail Hussain and his beautiful singing voice.  We love to see our community come together and this felt very special indeed.  We cannot thank our wonderful PTA who, as always, work so hard to make sure events like this can happen.


Sensory Room


We are so proud of our new Sensory Room and delighted that it is now finished and in use.  It is a much needed resource for our school community and we can't wait to see children accessing it to support their needs. A big thank you to Rhino Sensory UK - we love it!

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