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Outdoor Learning

Nell Bank


Our children in Year Three and Four visited Nell Bank in June for our first ever LKS2 residential.  We were a little worried about the age of the pupils and being away from home for two nights, but we shouldn't have because they were fantastic!  Our pupils tackled the seven mile (mostly uphill) walk to the Cow and Calf, went pond-dipping, took part in team activities and used their problem solving skills.  We were also impressed by their manners and behaviour with Nell Bank staff who commented how wonderful they had been.


Buckden House


Our children in Year Five and Six enjoyed another fabulous visit to Buckden House this February.  As always, staff were so impressed by how pupils collaborated and worked in teams to overcome challenges in the cave, up the gill and on climbing activities.  And this year we had the extra challenge of the snow!  I am sure the photos give you an impression of just how good it was, we can't wait for the next visit!

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