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Nursery Admissions

At Miriam Lord Primary School, our Nursery has 78 places available on a morning or afternoon basis.  Parents are provided with fifteen hours of free childcare as this is their entitlement; Miriam Lord also offers thirty hours of childcare to those families that are eligible.


Following a request for a place, two members of staff will arrange to visit you and your child at home.  On this visit, staff take an information leaflet for the family providing further details on how our Nursery is organised and key information. Admissions forms and other details are either filled in or confirmed, with a particular focus on any medical or dietary needs that the school needs to be aware of. A copy of the birth certificate will be requested for school records.


We pride ourselves on our Early Years provision and feel that any parent who visits our Nursery will be hugely impressed by both the environment and the provision.  To request a place then please contact the school office on 01274 496611 who will arrange a time to meet the Nursery team.


At Miriam Lord we recognise that every child is an individual and needs time to settle in.  We firmly believe that children settle best when they are encouraged to join in with activities right from the start.  But to ensure that pupils are happy, we ask family members to stay and join in with activities if this is necessary.


At Miriam Lord we currently have vacancies in our Nursery so please don't hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit.

Admission to Reception

Reception age children are admitted to school in the year which they are 5 years old i.e. between September 1st and August 31st of an academic year.  Children are admitted on a full time basis in September. A child attending Nursery school may be admitted in January for valid child development reason. Such admissions will be rare and parents will need to talk to the school before making that choice.

Pupils in Years One to Six


Pupils can be admitted to school at any time during the academic year although it is usual to wait until the end of a half-term to reduce disruption. The Governing Body at Miriam Lord would prefer these classes to be no bigger than 30 pupils.


In Year Admissions


The Admission Team at Bradford Council are responsible for all admissions to Miriam Lord Primary School; they also coordinate any appeals procedures.  If you would like to apply for a place at Miriam Lord Primary School then please contact the Admissions Team on 01274 432111. Alternatively you can email the team at


How To Apply For A Place At Miriam Lord Primary School

Parents should ring the school office (01274 496611) and arrange to meet with the Pastoral Manager.  Following this, we would always encourage parents or carers to visit the school.  If a place is requested, parents will be asked to fill in a form that includes important information such as full name, date of birth, home address, contact numbers, details of a child’s religion, home language, dietary requirements and any health needs are also required.


Once the place has been offered, parents are encouraged to bring their children into school to allow them to spend some time in their new class getting to know the teacher and other children so that they can settle quickly into their new class once they join us on a full time basis.

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