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PSHE (Personal Social, Health and Economic) education is a school curriculum subject in England that helps children and young people stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain. PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential.


Relationships and Health Education is statutory in Primary schools in England. This statutory element is embedded within our PSHE curriculum and has been developed in consultation with parents, our school communities and other stakeholders.  We use the SCARF materials from Coram Life Education Charity, supplemented by materials from the NSPCC and CEOP.


Our curriculum is an age-appropriate spiral curriculum, taught from Y1 to Y6 and ensures progression in knowledge, attitudes, values and skills. Children revisit 6 themes each year; Me and My Relationships; Valuing Difference: Keeping Safe; Rights and Respect; Being my Best and Growing and Changing. The spiral nature ensures that by the end of year 6, children are secure in their knowledge of each requirement.


Our PAT Relationships policy is available on the policy pages of this website.   If you have any questions or comments about our PSHE curriculum and lessons, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher who will be happy to discuss our lessons and approach.


RE (Religious Education) is taught from the agreed syllabus complied by Bradford, Kirklees and Calderdale Education Authorities. We consider this to be a vital part of a child's education, but parents may choose to withdraw their child from RE lessons. Please contact the school's headteacher if you wish to discuss this. 


Year Group Curriculum Plans

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