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Phonics Videos

To support your child with phonics at Miriam Lord, we have created videos of the teachers presenting the sounds we teach every week.  Please watch these videos regularly with your child, as it will help you both enunciate the sounds correctly.  Happy reading!

Phase 2 Phonic Sounds: s a t p

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Phase 2: i n m d

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Phase 2: g o c k

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Phase 2: ck e u r ss

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Phase 2: h b f l ff ll ss

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Phase 3 Phonic Sounds: j v w x y z zz qu ch

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Phase 3: sh th ng nk

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Phase 3: ai ee igh oa

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Phase 3: ar ur oo oo

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Phase 3: or ow oi ear

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Phase 3: air ure er ow

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